Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting the privacy of our customers and users. This privacy policy covers collecting, using, disclosing, transferring, and storing personal data. Our online activities comply with all relevant European Union and Republic of Estonia laws.

Collection and Use of Personal Data

Personal data refers to information that allows an individual to be identified directly or indirectly. We collect and process this data to establish contact, fulfil contracts, and/or meet legal obligations.

We collect personal data in the following ways:

  • Contact details (name, phone number, email address, preferred communication method, personal identification number if necessary, and postal address for contracts) are provided on our website or elsewhere (e.g., in an office);
  • During website usage, through customer account information or cookies.

Collection of Other Data

We also collect anonymous data that cannot be specifically linked to an individual (e.g., gender, age, language preference, location). This data is aggregated and used to improve the website, products, and services. Aggregated data is treated as anonymous data under this privacy policy.

Use and Retention of Collected Personal Data

We use the personal data we collect to inform customers about product news, promotions, and upcoming events. Customers always have the option to unsubscribe from the newsletter.

By agreeing to the terms of this privacy policy, customers consent to the automated processing of their data. Consent can be withdrawn at any time via our website or in writing. The withdrawal of consent does not apply retroactively.

To improve customer service, we may disclose information to third parties who provide services to us and are obliged to keep the information confidential. Third parties may include, for example, content editing or translation service providers.

We retain personal data for up to 5 years after the last email or inquiry and for long-term customers until the end of the customer contract. Data required by law (e.g., accounting data) is retained according to legal requirements.

Protection of Personal Data

We take all necessary measures (administrative, technical, and physical) to protect customer personal data. Only authorised individuals have access to and can modify the data.

If there is any suspicion that personal data has been misused or leaked, please notify us immediately. This will help minimize potential damage.

Customers have the right to request the cessation of data processing, obtain information about the use of their data, and request the transfer of data to themselves or a third party in a commonly used format. Requests can only be submitted digitally or as a personally signed application. We will respond to requests within 30 days.


All personal data disclosed during website visits and contract signing is confidential. Encrypted data communication channels ensure the security of personal data.

Privacy Policy Terms and Changes

By using our website or providing personal data, the customer agrees to this privacy policy. We reserve the right to change the privacy policy by notifying customers. The privacy policy is always up-to-date and accessible on our website.

The data controller responsible for personal data is Skover Kinnisvara OÜ. For any questions regarding the privacy policy or data processing, please contact us at

Customers can address data protection issues to the Data Protection Inspectorate or the courts. The Data Protection Inspectorate is a national authority that provides consultation or assistance regarding personal data protection.

Cookie Usage Terms

We use cookies to improve the user experience on our website.

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small text file stored on the user’s device when visiting a website.

Why Do We Use Cookies?

By remembering previous visits and choices, cookies enable us to offer a better user experience. By using the website, you agree to the use of cookies for:

  • Collecting usage habits and statistical data;
  • Remembering user preferences and settings;
  • Providing more relevant offers and marketing messages;
  • Collecting information necessary for website development;
  • Logging in, personalising the page, and filling out forms;
  • Facilitating content sharing on social media;
  • Providing content (Facebook, Google).

Restricting and Deleting Cookies

Users can change their browser privacy settings to delete cookies and prevent new cookies from being stored. The browser’s user guide provides detailed instructions.

Types of Cookies Used

Session Cookies

Session cookies are used each time you visit our website and are deleted after closing the browser. They are used, for example, to remember language preferences and shopping cart contents.

Persistent Cookies

Persistent cookies remain on the device even after the website is closed. Their expiration periods vary; some may stay on the device for days, months, or years. They are used to remember user preferences and save usernames and passwords.

Third-Party Cookies

We use third-party cookies to provide higher-quality content, gather statistics, and display advertisements. The privacy policy and terms of these cookies can be found on the manufacturer’s website.

Third-party cookies include:

  • Facebook cookies, the terms of which can be found here.
  • Google cookies, the terms of which can be found here.